Multicultural Family Celebration Cookbook

We are a school division of "wondrous variety" and the Diversity Equity and Human Rights committee is creating a multicultural cookbook to recognize, share and celebrate our diversity. All Palliser employees, students and families are invited to submit a recipe that reflects their cultural/ethnic background - something that your family eats when they celebrate together. It might be a special dish for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Diwali, Eid al-Fitr or any other special occasion that your family celebrates.
The recipes will be compiled into a cookbook, bound, printed and distributed to the library of all schools who contributed even one recipe. It will also be available to be purchased, at cost, in the spring of 2024. This is a huge and exciting undertaking and one that we are hoping everyone will consider contributing to. If you are interested in sharing that secret family recipe that you love, you just need to fill out the form at the link below. The deadline to fill out the form and submit a recipe will be FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2024 so that we will have time to compile and print them by Easter.
The google form asks for a small description of the recipe and why it’s important in your family. There is another section for the recipe itself. We would also appreciate any pictures (but not needed).
Here is the link to the Multicultural Family Celebration Cookbook form